Entreprenariat Educatif Européen


Corporate Social Responsibility

Cross collaborative activities between Business and Education World :

*Declic : Web-based community, concerning secondary students in general and vocational schools in several European countries, developing Corporate Social Responsibility activities on a European level will provide a new way of learning.

The students will :

  • Choose the project and the concerned courses (biology, physics, maths..)
  • Use the explorer
  • Fix the schedule
  • Send e-mails about the project
  • Send files and all sorts of documents
  • Participate to web-conferences
  • Use their own portfolio
  • Measure the developed skills
  • Enrich the library
  • Use several languages, among them English

They will be supervised by professionals working in companies, science centres, associations, foundations, schools… and they will demonstrate how “Wikipedia world – alias web 2.0” is transforming the way of learning  and the responsibilities of a wider community.

If you want to develop your own project or to participate to an existing project on "Declics", please contact us.


Dans son livre : "Virage européen ou mirage républicain? Quel avenir voulons-nous?", Nelly Guet démontre la sclérose du système éducatif français et fait des propositions européennes.