Young Europeans should be supported by a professional environment in order to be aware of the reality and their own future.
Companies should be acknowledged as responsible for education, just as well as research centres, science museums, associations…
Whether big or small, companies have a wealth of experience to build upon. They should make young Europeans believe in the future and the value of work.
The information will be accessible in French and in English, but we find it also important to publish some articles in their original language. To be multi-lingual is an asset, and the possibility to exchange information and learn about other cultures an advantage.
We have to encourage the young to have access in their future lives to 4 or 5 different languages.
Innovation and creativity will be a necessity in all areas. However, attention should be paid to the important role of science and technology in a world where the definition of culture has changed, and where knowledge and competence threaten in some fields to be lacking soon.
AlertEducation has set itself as a goal to inform :
- About common responsibilities related to education assumed by different partners abroad
- About successful initiatives, or sometimes initiatives still in the start up phase, which tend to both alert and make the education itself “alert”
- Workshops, seminars and international conferences presenting cross collaborative activities « Business world/Education », or promoting foreign languages, sciences and economics;
and to organize, on the collaboration platform “Déclics” a lot of possibilities for students, parents, teachers and schoolheads to participate in or to lead international projects.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to participate or to develop your own projects!