Nelly GUET, at the age of…
15: spent 3 weeks in Germany, thanks to German teachers
19: became a student in Germany (Kiel) and then financed her studies in Berlin thanks to a grant of the DAAD and « Luftbrückendankstiftung » (Foundation for the Berlin Blockade)
23: began her career as a German Teacher ( all levels – all kinds of schools)
36: became a School Head of lower and upper secondary schools (and also primary and kindergarten) in France, Germany, Switzerland.
Educational Expert
- National Council member in two School Heads Unions :SNPDEN (1992-93) and Amicale des Proviseurs (2000-02)
- Member of the European Board of ESHA -European School Heads Association – (32 countries) 1998-2007, Member of the Executive Board 2004 – 2007
- Vice President of AEDE-France (European Teachers Association) 2006 -2008
- Council Member of ICP (International Confederation of Principals – www.icponline.org), since 2004.
- Member of informal networks of researchers, schoolheads, teachers and schoolheads’ trainers, companies involved in education in France and abroad.
- Member of the pilot group of the European project : School Leadership Network (ESLN) 2004-06
- Organiser – since 10 years - of training sessions, workshops, international conferences for educational leaders, parents, companies
- Training in participative management : Hewlett-Packard (Feb.-June 1988)
- All types of activities in secondary schools 1988-2008
- Member of the European steering group "Science in Schools": IBM/ Volvo/ Volkswagen/ EUN/ CSR Europe working for promotion of MST– 2007-2008. Invited recently to the European Round Table of Industrialists Conference (ERT- Bruxelles – Oct.2008) and to the European SUMMIT about "the Dutch experience" (Amsterdam – Nov.2008)
- Member of the interministerial committee for the promotion of Economy in Education : CODICE - 2007-2008 (partners are : Ministry of Finances and Economy, Ministry of National Education, umbrella organisations of entrepreneurs like MEDEF, CGPME, l’Institut de l’Entreprise, l’ACFCI, associations involved in cross collaborative activities)
Company Presentation
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