Entreprenariat Educatif Européen

50ème anniversaire de l'OCDE - Forum 2011- Des politiques meilleures pour une vie meilleure - 24 et 25 Mai 2011 - PARIS

Submitted by nguet on Thu, 05/26/2011 - 00:00

Dear Mrs. Guet,

The OECD 50th Anniversary Week was a major success.

The Ministerial Council Meeting bought together 14 Heads of State, 11 Deputy Prime Ministers, over 70 Ministers, and 1 138 delegates.

The Forum hosted 104 high-level speakers from politics, business, trade unions and civil society and over 200 journalists from various countries. 77% of the speakers were new to the Forum and 19% were women.

The OECD Week YouTube videos were viewed 16 479 times, Twitter this year reached nearly

900 000 people resulting in over 15 000 mentions of the OECD. Finally, the newly launched BLI website received over 100 000 hits within the first 24 hours!

But the main contribution came from some 2 000 participants from 66 countries that attended the Forum this year. Thank you for making our Forum our Major 50th Anniversary event.

The OECD Forum Team 


Dans son livre : "Virage européen ou mirage républicain? Quel avenir voulons-nous?", Nelly Guet démontre la sclérose du système éducatif français et fait des propositions européennes.